South America is incredibly diverse, but you might not realize that if you’re not very familiar with the continent. For several millennia before European settlers arrived at the shores of South America, the land was inhabited by hundreds of ethnolinguistic groups with distinct cultures and languages. Today, from the outside, it may look like everyone in South America is ethnically mestizo (a mix of European and indigenous ancestry) and speaks Spanish or Portuguese. But in fact, many South American indigenous cultures and languages still live on today. Kichwa is a great example.
While Spanish is, of course, the primary language of most Ecuadorians, the country is home to several indigenous languages that are still spoken vigorously today, even in the face of encroachment from Spanish. The largest is Kichwa, used by hundreds of thousands of native speakers, who speak one of several Kichwa dialects. Today, we’d like to zoom in on Kichwa Chibuleo, which is spoken by roughly 12,000 ethnically Kichwa Chibuleo people in Ecuador. Even though 95% of Kichwa Chibuleo people speak Kichwa as their first language, it’s hard to find a translation firm willing to accommodate the language. But with TranslationServices.com, you’ve found just that.
We’re proud of our Kichwa Chibuleo translation team and the dedicated Kichwa Chibuleo translation services our team members offer. Contact us today if you’d like to see a free quote!
Exploring the identity of Kichwa Chibuleo
The Kichwa Chibuleo dialect comes from the heart of Ecuador, located smack-dab in the central Ecuadorian province of Tungurahua. To be more precise, the Chibuleo people are native to the parish of Juan Benigno Vela, found in Ambato Canton, the largest canton in the province. Within this area, they live in four distinct communities: San Francisco, San Alfonso, San Pedro, and San Luis. Most Kichwa Chibuleo people speak Spanish, but as a second language.
Kichwa Chibuleo is a dialect of Kichwa, which comes from the Quechuan language family. If treated as a single language—which it sometimes is—the family comprises the biggest indigenous language in the Americas. Kichwa is the northern variant of the tongue, with Southern Quechua dominant in Peru and Bolivia. The grammar is incredibly complicated for an English speaker—imagine more than a dozen noun cases and extensive verbal conjugation that marks both the subject and object. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg—Kichwa even features evidentiality suffixes to specify how the speaker learned the information they’re sharing (such as through direct experience or hearsay).
We’re excited to work on your Kichwa Chibuleo translation project.
Whereas most translation agencies don’t work with any variant of Kichwa, we’re incredibly proud to present our new translation team specifically dedicated to Kichwa Chibuleo. We’ve carefully hired the best translators from all over the area that Kichwa Chibuleo is native to, and since they have a passion for their native language, they work hard to provide the highest-quality Kichwa Chibuleo translation services they can. Whether they’re translating into Kichwa Chibuelo or from the language, their burning passion drives their unwavering effort.
We cover many different types of translation with our Kichwa Chibuleo translation team, as well. Of course, there are limits to how many niches we can accommodate, just given how small the speaker community for the dialect is. But that hasn’t stopped us from hiring Kichwa Chibuleo translators who specialize in different areas, including business, different academic disciplines, and literature. Our translators have worked with translation projects in many different domains, which has given them a rich diversity of experience to draw from. And if your text contains technical content or vocabulary, we might have translators with the right type of expertise to navigate that challenge.
Do you want to take advantage of our new Kichwa Chibuleo translation services? Reach out today with a message and tell us what you’re looking for—we’re ready to help!