Africa offers a rich abundance of indigenous languages, many still spoken vigorously across the continent, and Kenya and Ethiopia are no exceptions to the rule of linguistically diverse African countries. Kenya boasts more than 65 languages and Ethiopia around 90, to be precise, with several of these languages spoken by millions of people. To unite the various ethnolinguistic groups in the country, a lingua franca is necessary. But locally, languages like Southern Oromo are in vigorous use.
A major language in the region, Southern Oromo is spoken by roughly 3.9 million people as a native language. Known by speakers as Afaan Oromoo, Southern Oromo is the native language of the Borana and Sakuye people, with several related people groups also claiming it as their mother tongue. However, Southern Oromo remains an underserved language with few resources, which is why most translation companies are hesitant to cover it. But at TranslationServices.com, we’re proud to offer Southern Oromo translation services.
Why not reach out and ask about a free quote for our Southern Oromo translation services today?
Southern Oromo: an important African language split across borders
As the name implies, Southern Oromo is a variety of Oromo spoken in the southern portion of the Oromo-speaking world. Most Oromo speakers live in Ethiopia, but Southern Oromo includes many speakers in Kenya, with the language situated around the national border. Specifically, in Ethiopia, the language is commonly spoken in the Borena Zone of the Oromia Region and the Liben Zone of the Somali Region, while in Kenya, it’s concentrated in the country’s northeast. There are various dialects of Southern Oromo, including Borana, Arsi, and Guji in Ethiopia and Karayu, Salale, Gabra, Orma, and Waata in Kenya.
Southern Oromo comes from the Afroasiatic language family, which means it’s related to Arabic and Hebrew. But unlike these famous Afroasiatic languages, which occupy the Semitic branch of the family, Oromo is a Cushitic language. Southern Oromo features grammatical gender—masculine and feminine—and seven noun cases, which renders it a grammatically complex language. Like in languages like Spanish, Southern Oromo allows speakers to omit the subject in contexts where it’s clear, which can complicate translation—but when you work with native-speaking Southern Oromo translators like ours, you don’t have to worry.
Southern Oromo translation services to fit any project
If you want the best Southern Oromo translation services on the web, just turn to our team. We’ve gone all over southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya to find the best Southern Oromo translators we can, ensuring coverage of as many dialects as possible. This allows you to access the most precise translation services possible for your needs. Whether you need translation to Southern Oromo or from Southern Oromo, our passionate translators are here to help.
Our translators are trained in a wide range of translation specialties, so whether you’re coming to us from the world of academia, business, literature, or another domain, we stand ready to help. If you’re a foreign researcher, we can help you connect with local Southern Oromo speakers—or, if you’re a local scholar, we can help you spread your work around the world. If you run your own business, whether you’re from Ethiopia, Kenya, or any country around the world, we can help you translate corporate documents and promotional materials to or from Southern Oromo to expand your business presence. If you’re a writer or other form of content creator, our translators can help you grow your audience in Ethiopia, Kenya, or around the world with pinpoint Southern Oromo translation services for books, poetry, short stories, movies, games, and more. And as for the subject matter, don’t worry if it’s esoteric—we have experts in all sorts of fields, so we can handle technical language.
We’re waiting for your Southern Oromo translation order—place it now!