Boasting more than 180 indigenous languages spanning its maritime borders, the Southeast Asian island nation of the Philippines is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. Tagalog has emerged as the national lingua franca, used by people all across the country to communicate with compatriots from other regions. But Tagalog is only spoken natively by around a quarter of Filipinos. Most speak smaller languages, such as Kalanguya.
Nestled in the heart of Luzon, the northernmost major island in the Philippines, you can find the Kalanguya people, speaking their native Kalanguya language. About 100,000 people are native speakers of Kalanguya, which was once the most-spoken language in the area. Today, Kalanguya is overshadowed by bigger tongues like Tagalog and Ilocano, which threaten the vitality of this proud indigenous language. Whereas most translation agencies gloss over minority languages like Kalanguya, we at TranslationServices.com would like to proudly present our new translation services dedicated to Kalanguya.
How about requesting a free quote for our Kalanguya translation services today?
Let’s learn a bit more about Kalanguya.
The Kalanguya-speaking community encompasses portions of various provinces in the northern Philippines. You can find Kalanguya speakers in western Nueva Vizcaya, the Hungduan municipality of Ifugao, the Bokod municipality of Benguet, the San Nicolas municipality of Pangasinan, and the Carranglan municipality of Nueva Ecija. Different variants of Kalanguya have emerged depending on the region where they’re spoken, with the most prominent dialects being Central Kalanguya, spoken in Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya; Northern Kalanguya, spoken in Ambaguio, Nueva Vizcaya, and Tinoc, Ifugao; Southern Kalanguya, spoken in Santa Fe, Nueva Vizcaya; and Western Kalanguya, spoken in Benguet.
Kalanguya is similar to most other languages in the Philippines in that it’s a member of the Austronesian language family, specifically hailing from the Philippine branch. So, while it’s related to major languages in the Philippines, like Tagalog and Cebuano, it’s more closely related to languages like Pangasinan or Ibaloi. Grammatically, Kalanguya features the unique phenomenon of sometimes using a dual pronoun to refer to oneself, but this is only possible in the right contexts. This usage of the dual pronoun is dying out in the younger generations, but it can still complicate the translation process—which is why it’s important to rely on native-speaking Kalanguya translators like the ones on our team.
We’re here to provide flexible and professional Kalanguya translation services.
To give you access to the best Kalanguya translation services possible, we’ve endeavored to find the top translation talent across the Kalanguya-speaking world. We’ve searched all over Nueva Vizcaya, Benguet, Ifugo, Pangasinan, and Nueva Ecija to find passionate and experienced translators in all Kalanguya dialects, so if you’re looking for a specific dialect, just ask! Our translation services cover both translation into Kalanguya and translation from Kalanguya, so it doesn’t matter what your translation project is—we’re committed to helping.
Would you like Kalanguya translation services for academic purposes? What about business documents? Or perhaps literary reasons? No matter why you need Kalanguya translation services, our team is here to serve you. We have specialists for academic translation—in various fields—as well as business translation (both for internal business documents and promotional materials) and literary or creative content (everything from books, poems, and short stories to videos, movies, and games). And if you’re working with technical content that includes a lot of esoteric language, we still might be able to help, since we hire a lot of Kalanguya translators with expertise in various fields. Simply let us know what field you’re working with, and we’ll try to match you with a translator who understands your discipline.
We’d be delighted to help you with your Kalanguya translation project. Simply reach out to us and place an order when you’re ready to get started!